Friday, February 25, 2011




The Son of the Turtle Spirit is a Chinese folktale.

List some of the well-known folktales from Malaysia .
1.      The Sang Kancil and Sang Buaya
2.      Si Tanggang
3.      Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah
4.      Badang
5.      Mat Jenin
6.      The Catfish in The River
7.       The Woodpecker’s Crown 
8.       The Cockerel That Crows
9.       The Haunted Cave
10.   Raja Bersiung

List some of the possible issues found in “The Son of the Turtle Spirit”
v  Chinese people believe that there are spirits that commits during the seventh month of the year because the gate of hell will be opened during this period. Moreover they believe that the turtle has spirits that manifests at night and disappear at dawn. Besides that, they also believe that their elder’s remains are very important because it affects the wealth and the well being of the deceased descendants.

v  Besides that, these Chinese also believe in ‘faith because sometimes what we planned might not happened and it will be done in the other way round. That shows our faith is in our God’s hand. Things will happen as how ‘HE’ planned. 

Are those issues universal in nature or are they only relevant in the Chinese culture?
*    These issues are universal because whenever the issues in the story relate to their own experience so they will use the moral values in order to commit with present days. At the same time these issues are also relevent in the Chinese culture.

What are the other morals that can be gotten from the other fables by Aesop?
List at least two.
1.      The Miser – Don’t be greedy, it won’t get you anywhere.
2.      The Farmer and The Fox – Your act of revenge may destroy what you care for.
3.      The Ant and the Grasshopper - It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
4.      The Ant and the Dove - One good turn deserves another.


One well-known literary figure from the Elizabethan age used Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe as a model to one of his famous plays. Who is he and what is the play?
v  Shakespeare and the famous play is Romeo and Juliet.


List some of the popular legends we have in Malaysia
1.      The Curse of Batu Gajah
2.      How Malacca Got Its Name
3.      Magical Lake of Pregnant Maiden
4.      The Legend Of Mahsuri
5.      The Seven Magical Wells.
6.      Mystical Cave of Stories
7.      Kedah’s Legendary Fanged King
8.      Perak Royalty Rituals
9.      The Dragon of Lake Chini
10.  Legend of Perhentian Island
The legend provided in the module is that of King Arthur taken from Book 1of Le Mort d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur) by Sir Thomas Malory who was an expert in Arthurian Literature. The module suggests that you think of how you could adapt the text for students as it is written in an archaic language.

Look at the questions below. Answers can be found on internet sources. This will help you get a basic understanding of what Le Mort d’Arthur is about.

1. Who is Thomas Malory?
·         He is the author of Le Mort d’ Arthur and was apparently a firmly established folk hero. He is the central figure in numerous ancient Welsh and Irish legends, and by the early twelfth century, some scholars think, he may have been known in northern Italy and France, where names possibly derived from Arthurian folklore occur. The earliest recorded tradition concerning Arthur represents him as a leader of the Britons against the Anglo-Saxon invaders.

2. When was Le Mort d’Arthur written?
·         Le Morte d'Arthur, completed in 1469, is the first major work of prose fiction in English and remains today one of the greatest.

3. How many books/ parts are there in LMDA?
·         8 books / 2 parts

  4. What is book 8 about?
·         Book 8 is about The Death of King Arthur.

5. Who were the two people who had an affair?

·         Queen Giunevere and Sir Lancelot

6. Book 6 has a strong connection to a popular modern fiction which is now a movie. What is the title of the popular modern fiction?
·         The Noble Tale of The Sangreal

7. State three well-known facts about King Arthur/ his time as a King

·         King Arthur was betrayed by his greatest knight, Sir Lancelot.
·         King Arthur was raised by Sir Ector who had a son named Kay.
·         King Arthur was the son of King Uther and Igraine.

Think of 2 ways in which you can use folktales/fables/myths or legends in the classroom. Explain briefly.

1.      Teacher can use role-play and simulation in the classroom. The best example is the mock trial. So teacher can ask the students to be in groups and act out the folktales/ fables/ myths or legends. So, from here the teacher can choose the students for the story telling competition.
2.      Teacher can asks the students to choose any characters and wear the clothes as if the character in the story. So from here the teacher can do the activities like matching characters and traits, analyzing the characters and their relationships and so on. Here, the students can be involved solely into the characters that they like the most.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The girl in this short story really interest me because she wants to feel her life freely and live her life to the fullest. I assume that the writer Alice Munro probably modeled after her own childhood experiences on an Ontario farm and tried to develope her own identity in a man's world. When I read through the story, I felt surprise that the character seems to change the real girl's attitude. The girl really respect her father's work and she loved to help him outdoor rather that helping her mother's indoor. She also felt that her father's work as 'ritualistically important'. For me, I felt that I must support her as what she wants to be and it is normal in this democratic world.                                                        

Sunday, February 6, 2011


          Nowadays, our education system is forcing the teachers' to be knowledgable and must equip with the latest technology in order to spoon feed the students with model of answers, notes and various form of guidance in order to regurgitate in the exam hall.
          Our education system are now more to exam-oriented and practising the students to memorize the possible answers for the national examinations. So, we as the teachers' are facing problems to cultivate critical thinking and learning. Teachers' have less opportunity to florish and give space to students to ask questions and encouraged them to contribute ideas and inputs.
          We the teachers' with bursting knowledge should claim that in order to nurture and cultivate the intellectual approach of inquiry, openess of mind and anaylitical thinking, we must foster the students with clarity of critical understanding of any situations