Saturday, March 26, 2011


1. Think of at least 3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom
a.The speeches by famous figures will make the students to create a 
   stimulating and supportive learning environment.
b.The speeches also will create an environment where diverse cultures, 
   abilities and needs are respected and where differences offer 
   productive opportunities for learning and personal fulfillment.
c.The speeches also will help the students’ gain greater knowledge and 
   skills in speech communication as a means to develop their own potential.

2. Go to and find the audio-visual on the speech. In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better? State your reasons.
Yes, of course it will help the students to understand the speech better because the students can feel the situations, and the hope of the Negro that they are not free. Moreover, the audience clapping their hands to show that they support the views and the dreams by all the Negros when Martin Luther King, Jr. gave the speech for all the great African American who had been slaves for hundred of years. He also keep on repeating the historical background and the situation on what to be corrected at the same time. So, the powerful stress and confidence along with pauses in between of the speech by him brings the feel when the students hear with their own ears.

3. Who is Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King is a syumbolic leader of American blacks ans also a world figure. He is a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race. He spoke out for justice to African American, for an end to racial discrimination and against the laws that embodied it and the subtle and unconscious behaviours and assumptions that were supported by those laws. Racial discriminations in the USA had resulted in countless unnecessary and unjust deaths and the despair and hopelessness of generations. He also was a great person because what he had done made a huge difference in America.

4. Based on the questions below, analyse the features of the given written speech:
a. What is the purpose of the speech?
The purpose of the speech is hoping that the audiences to have an immediate effect on the gist of the speech and to get the responses from them and invites the audiences to react to the speech.

b. What is the tone of the speech?
The tone of the speech is repetitive where he shares his dream and the use of persuasive elements. Moreover the next tone is showing passionate, though the speech reads smoothly since the idea of the speech is to be spoken rather than written and it follows a natural rhythm where the readers gets caught up in.

c. What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech? (i.e.Repetition of phrases, emphasis on certain things said etc)
There are a few major features that I realized from the speech because there are various tones and the pitches of his voice in his speech. When his voice turns high and volume of his voice turns loud, it shows that he feels strongly about the point he has just made, and he wants the audience to notice on what he said. Another thing that he does after is he pauses. The pause is for the audience to really think hard about what he has just said. They aren't necessarilly long pauses but, they are highly effective.

d. Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?
        There are many interesting facts that I gathered based on the background of the speech. Martin Luther King Jr. was Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr's son. He was born on the 15th January, 1929 and demise on 4th April 1968 at the age of 39. On 1953, he married to Coretta Scott and lived in Montgomery, Alabama. He is a graduate from Brooker T. Washington High. On the 25th February, 1948, he attended Crozer Theological Seminary and was ordained to the Baptist ministry. He entered Boston University in 1951. Later, he joined the bus boycott after the arrest of Rosa Parks and then in 1057 he formed Southern Christian Leadership Conference to fight against seggregation and for the Civil Rights.Later, when he was arrested in 1960 he wrote his famous letter in Birmingham Jail. Upon his release, he led 125,000 people on a freedom walk in Detroit followed by the other largest civil rights demonstration in history and made him famous when he made an inspiring speeh 'I Have A Dream'.
         In 1964, Martin Luther King was awarded Nobel Peace Prize. On the 4th April, 1968 he was shot killed while he was standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee afterhe delivered 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' speech.

5. Suggest a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.
We can use multiple choice questions, true false sentences and comprehension questions in order to use as a while-reading activity based on the speech provided to the students.

Thursday, March 17, 2011




Nelson Mandela
a significant role,
bold, brilliant, talented, and dedicated,
banned, arrested and imprisoned.

Nelson Mandela
reminded me of the power of words, 
to heal and inspire a new peace, 
and a new forgiveness.

Nelson Mandela
struggles against the exploration,
highly inspiring journey,
determined to make his real destiny.

Nelson Mandela
the master of my fate,
the captain of my soul,
Long Walk to Freedom,
Let freedom feel the whole

NELSON MANDELA God Bless Africa!"

Pyramus and Thisbe

Plot Summary 
The two people live next door to each other.Pyramus a handsome gentleman and Thisbe a lovely Eastern girl.
Since they lived next door to each other, they got to know each other . Eventually, they fell in love. They were going to be married but their parents disagree with them. They found a way to communicate through the wall between the houses. They were so much in love that they decided to run away and to be together. They were going to meet at Ninus Tomb because there was a tree. Thisbe arrived first and waited for her love to arrive. All of sudden, a lioness appeared and Thisbe ran off and hide in a cave. When Pyramus finally arrived, he found the bloody veil, which the lion had chewed on. He blamed himself for her death and begged for the lions to come to kill him.Then, he plunged his sword into his body. When Thisbe finally came out from hiding, she found his limp body lying there. she tore of her hair in a rage.

The story of Pyramus and Thisbe really attracts me. I enjoyed reading how these two people fell in love and without the blessing of their parents they ran away. It shows devotion to some else than yourself. They thought that young people are so much in love that they would kill themselves for each other is amazing. My favourite part of the story is the ending. Although it is sad that they kill themselves for each other, it is amazing that they would do it for their special love at their younger age. It definitely brings depth to the story. The fact is, this story is really good and it will be the inspiration to all the lovers out there. At the same time, I recommend this story to all young couples who seeking for love. It shows that it takes commitment to have a successful relationship and love defines all odds.

Monday, March 14, 2011


William Shakespeare's drama is the climax of the Elizabethan Age. We can find the compendium of all the problems and the creative potentialities of the whole English Renaissance.
His scholastic instruction was quite incomplete, but William's spirit of observation and his intellectual curiosity opened to his works the horizons of a cognitive and creative process typical of a great artist. In 1582, when he was eighteen years old, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a woman who was eight years older than him, but, in spite of the birth of three children, the marriage, according to the allusions leaking out from his plays, was not a happy one. For this reason in 1592 Shakespeare was in London, working both as an actor and as a writer. There is no information about Shakespeare's qualities as an actor.
In 1594, one of his plays was send to press for the first time, Titus Andronicus, which was published anonymously. From then on, others of his works were published, but when Shakespeare died, a little number of his plays had been printed in the shape of book and he had taken care of the edition of none of them. This variety reveals the author's commercial and experimental purposes, but it is also indicative of the nature of his genius, capable to draw on every kind of source and to transform the inspiring models while preserving the stylistic distinctions. On the stylistic level, there are many echoes of his contemporaries and predecessors.
It has been proved that the popular Elizabethan theatre often was the result of collaborations, so it is possible that some works signed with the name of William Shakespeare had been written by more than only one author. Shakespeare demonstrates his genius in putting in the mouth of the characters the significant and enlightening cue, besides his capability in the contamination of the genres, a technique which enriches their human meaning and brings to very original results.
The ironic bitterness was then ransomed by the tragic plays by Othello, Macbeth, King Lear (written between 1604 and 1606) are no longer tragedies caused by fate, like Romeo and Juliet, or by a will of revenge, as it happens in Titus Andronicus or in Hamlet; they are more likely explorations of the original faults of the human nature and of the experiences that these faults can redeem.
A bitter background remained in the style of Shakespeare, maybe because of the negative attitude reflected in it. The other “roman plays” composed during those years, limited the range of the themes, as the first one was an inquiry about love and the second about the concept of nobility.
In my opinion, in this early age he faced a lot of consequences and the experience makes him a good writer and in order reaching these popular success.


Sang Kancil and Sang Buaya is one of my evergreen favourite. I still remember when I was small, my teacher in school used to tell me stories on folktales from Malaysia and other continents. I will be very happy because the animals in the story will talk and they have their own tricks to make the other animal believe in what they do.
This story is about a mouse deer who act as Sang Kancil plays a trick over a crocodile who is Sang Buaya. Actually, Sang Kancil wants to cross the river in order to get some food. So, it does not know how to cross. As a result, Sang Kancil asks Sang Buaya and other crocodiles to queue so that it Sang Kancil can count the crocodiles in that particular river. The crocodiles without hesitation queue in the river. They did not realize the Sang Kancil is playing a trick on them.
Actually, Sang Kancil wants these crocodiles blindly follow its instructions. Sang Kancil, started counting these crocodiles and managed to cross the river.  At last, this Sang Kancil fulfill its need by making these crocodiles as a tool to cross the river.
So the moral of the story is do not believe a stranger.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


1. Do we have a canon for Malaysian literary works? Let's say we do, who do you think are in it? Consider the fact that their works are well-known and most importantly included as part of the school syllabus- (both in BM and English)

Yes we have canons for Malaysian literary works.

1. Dato' Shahnon Ahmad
2. Kamaluddin Muhamad for Keris Mas
3. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh
4. Datuk Abdullah Hussain
5. Datuk Dr. Usman Awang
6. Datuk A. Samad Said

English Literature
  • Novel (SPM) - Jungle of Hope - Kamaluddin Muhamad
  • Poem (PMR) - The Dead Crow - Datuk A. Samad Said
Malay Literature
  • Short Story - SPM - Dato' Shahnon Ahmad
  • Poem - SPM - Prof. Dr. Muhammad Haji Salleh
2. The poems by Erica Jong raises some feminist issues. What are they?

In Erica Jong's poems she raised some feminist issues and those are gender bias, women's rights and interest, family relationship, sex-positive issues and male dominance in love.
3. Do you think they are suitable to teach at the secondary school level? Explain.

The poems are not suitable to teach at the secondary school level because it touches on sexuality and the explicit meaning that will spoil the teenagers way of thinking and behaviours.
4. Is Hillary Tham's poem more suitable?

Hillary Tham's poems are more appropriate and suitable because she is used to Malaysian style of living and she is a local writer. I think the poems are suitable to teach because the issues used in the poems are mostly from Malaysia and it can attract students previous knowledge and more feminine to the students. the uses of the language are simple and easy for the students understand the messages.

5. The short tale from the Native American group is about a girl who is unsatisfied with her life. How is this a universal experience? Can it teach our students anything?

'Humans' are toward the world of materialistic and possessive and they are not satisfied with what they have. They keep on searching for more until the end. It become universal when ones experience this situation in reality. For example, this girl who isbsearching for someone who is perfect enough to get marry but end up showing his true colour to her. Nowadays, people are not satisfied and cannot tolerate with their family relationship and end up their relationship by finding someone better (they say so) then before.  This experience can be a good teacher for the students and we as teacher should teach them on how to be grateful with what they have and dont be greedy to search for better than nothing at all.

6. From your findings about his background, tell me about the dilemma he conveys through the poem CROSS.

Langston Hughesis a mix blood. He is an African American. His mother is black and his father is white. He steps in the world of confusion after his parents demise. He felt helpless when he thought of how he will die, whether as a black or as white and unfulfilled hopes of this African American who live in a dominant white society. So, here all of his writings will be based on how he felt and foreshadow how the readers perseption and indirect meaning on his writing. Moreover, in his poem CROSS he used sarcastic words and curses for their parents because his father died in a fine house whereas his mother died in a shack. He felt that the white are being more upscale and the blacks live in poverty and bound down to earth. He realised his fault and felt sorry for what he has written.

7. I find "Dinner Guest: Me" laden with irony and sarcasm. Briefly state if you feel the same.

I think "Dinner Guest: Me" is laden with irony and sarcasm because a white invited him to a restaurant and discussed about race with him. At the same time he felt ashamed to be there and the white felt that he hold the throne to be white. At the last line he answer that the solution for this problem is to wait.

The lines in the poem which represents irony and sarcasm are:

Line 1& 2
I know I am
The Negro Problem

Line 9,10,11
Of darkness U.S.A.--
Wondering how things got this way
In current democratic night

Line 14
"I'm so ashamed of being white."

8. The experience in the poem Harlem is one that is true for many people. Do you agree?

Yes, of course I agree. It is because of the unequal treatment within the blacks and the whites. When the whites take dominant, blacks assume that the dominance will jeopardise their rights. So, here the marginalized group faced a lot of frustration. During the Civil War, the blacks fight for their equal rights but the whites continue prejudice against blacks. In order to segregate these blacks upon everything they do, they are forced not to use the infrastructure as the whites by indirectly show that blacks are marginalized .

9. Langston Hughes fights for the voice of his people. What is the movement called?
The New Negro Movement.